Welcome to The Missing Lokness! Let me explain a bit about the name of the blog. My nickname is Lokness. The name came from the name for the lake monster, Loch Ness. Since some people claimed that they have seen Loch Ness, the existence of Loch Ness is absolutely a mystery. While people are looking for evidence of the real Loch Ness, perhaps you can follow my blog, and find out what I, Lokness, have been doing.
I was born in Hong Kong. I came to Los Angeles in 2002 for college. From all those years, I have developed my love for Los Angeles. This city is diverse, and it is formed by all the different ethnics and cultures. One moment you can be in Chinatown, and the next you will be in Little India. It is very exciting to get to know the people around you, try their food, and understand their cultures. We are all very different, but we are also very similar. I have a wonderful husband, Bryan. And, we have had a cute little guinea pig, Tuna. My favorite thing to do is to cook and bake some delicious food for my husband.

Bryan and Lokness
This blog is about four things: Eat, Cook, Learn, and Live
Eat: I love to eat. I just love food! There are many things for me to try in this world. I am adventurous, and I am not afraid to try every single things from different ethnic and cultures. It can be high-end dining or street food or home cook meal. I believe food is what ties everyone together. But if it is bugs, I may have to think again.
Cook: Since I love to eat, cooking seems to be the next logic step. Being away from my home country, Hong Kong, it is important for me to learn how to cook. It all began when I miss some of the great flavors from home. If I want that food, I will have to cook it myself. Other than home country food, I love to bake. Desserts make me smile. I know that I am not an expert in cooking, but I would love to share some of my favorite recipes.
Learn: There is always something to learn everyday. No matter it is the new way of cooking or a new food term, everyday is full of excitement. For example, I have found out recently that Peruvian use guinea pigs as food. Some people treat a specific animal as pet, and other cultures see that animal as food. That is ok, and we just have to learn to understand.
Live: “Live happily everyday” is my motto. I would share some of my feelings and interesting things about my life. There is so much to offer in this world. Either it is a good day or bad day, you have to live. If so, just be happy!
10 Things about me:
- I was born and grew up in Hong Kong. I came to Los Angeles when I was 16.
- I am only 4 feet 10 inches tall.
- Even though I am short, I was a setter in my high school volleyball team for 4 years.
- My sister and I are 8 years apart. Since I left HK when she was still young, we didn’t get close until she came to US for college a few years ago.
- The music that I like is oldies. Stevie Wonder, The Carpenters, The Bee Gees, and The Beatles.
- I don’t like any insects. I should say I am scared of any insects. The little crawling things just creep me out.
- I don’t eat spicy food, but both my mom and sister really love spicy food.
- I once hated cilantro. But after eating it again and again, I now love it.
- I love watching live animal cams. It is fascinating. San Diego Zoo panda, Decorah eagles, Alessondra’s great horned owl, Alasaka brown bear, and Plains bison.
- I watch a lot of TV, Game of Thrones, Modern Family, Homeland, The Killing, CSI, River Monsters, Amazing Race, Top Chef, The Daily Shows, Hong Kong TVB dramas, Korean dramas etc.
Thank you for visiting The Missing Lokness! If you have any questions, please contact me at lokness {at} ymail {dot} com.
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Copyright: All photos on this site are taken by me or my husband, Bryan, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. If you share any of these photos on social sites, please link back to this blog. If you are interested in using our photos, contact us at lokness {at} ymail {dot} com.
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