Exciting news, you may have noticed my site looks different! Yes!!!! A new domain and design! It’s nice to have full control, and I wanted to have a cleaner and more organized layout. My favorite new feature has to be the new “Recipe” page. It’s a recipe index with pictures, making it so much easier for everyone to explore all the recipes.
The moving process wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. There were 3 and a half years of work that I wanted to make sure not to lose. There were lots of twists and turns… The WordPress transfer couldn’t completed successfully, a few things got lost, the theme I picked needed a few adjustments. Thank god Bryan knew a bit of html programming. Starring at all the code really started driving me crazy. Finally, I had to spend a few extra days cleaning up and adjusting all old pictures to fit the new theme. But I’m glad that it is over now, and everything has worked out great.
Once again, welcome to the new site! If there is any problem, please let me know.
The new site looks wonderful! Good job for getting that done. I’m still using blogger and I wish I’d started with Word Press way back when. Now, I really can’t imagine going through all the change and I have no clue where to begin. I’m so glad you’ve done it though!
Thank you so much, Monica! The whole thing felt very overwhelmed at the beginning. And even now, I still don’t understand everything. But I am very happy I did it. For a long run, hosting my own site is the way to go.
Yay, congrats on the new site – it looks fantastic 🙂
Thanks a lot, Kelly!
Your new site looks great! 🙂
Thanks Belle! I am very happy about it! 🙂
Your new site looks great, Lokness! A photo recipe index is one of the main reasons I am thinking of switching to self hosting…..but the idea is so scary. Its scary that your work will get lost or the whole blog will go up into a cloud somewhere never to be retrieved. Its scary that once I am in charge, I won’t be able to figure the whole thing out. So I keep putting it off. At some point when I get the courage to make the switch, I will ask you for advice! Congrats on surviving!
Thank you so much Wendy! Yes, a photo recipe index is much better! I am definitely loving the new look.
I totally understand why you are worried. But sooner is always better than later. Since you are on wordpress.com, switching to wordpress.org is not too bad. In general, most things should transfer without a problem. I am more than happy to answer any questions. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
If you are interested, the following page is very helpful. I followed the it to do my move:
Congrats on the new site!
I found your site not long ago, so didn’t know how it looks for the old one, but I LOVE the new design! Looks awesome!
I was planning to hire a designer to redesign my site for quite a few months and I’m on the waiting list now. I have been tweaking my project plan too many times and I’m still not satisfied with it!
Your recipe page looks great. It’s one of the most important reasons that I decided to spend more on the blog design.
Thank you very much Maggie! Yea, recipe page is definitely a must when there are more and more recipes. I understand the frustration about having the perfect site. There are tons of things to think about and adjust. Hope your site will be ready soon. I am looking forward to seeing it!