Bryan found the following pictures and video online. We were both amazed by them, and I would love to share with you all.
We probably all have cotton candy when we were little. The fluffy puffy pink or light blue cotton candy is every child’s dream to have one. My very first cotton candy should be in an arcade place. After playing some basketball shooting arcade, my mom got me a cotton candy. The fluffy sugar candy was very sweet and fun. And of course, my hands were all sticky afterward. Whatever cotton candy you had probably is not as nice and beautiful as some of these that are being sold in China. Remember to check out the video. It is pretty amazing to see how they make these cotton candy flowers.

Cotton Candy Flower

The candy was being made.
Wow! That is amazing! This reminds me of the other youtube video of the melted sugar dragon
Oh wow! Love that dragon! It is so beautiful! It is also amazing how big the dragon is and it can still be hold by one stick.