Black Forest cake is a chocolate cake with whipped cream and cherries in between. On the outside of the cake, it is decorated with whipped cream, chocolate shavings and cherries.
This year birthday, I requested a Black Forest cake from Bryan. Black Forest cake doesn’t seem to be very popular in Los Angeles. I haven’t seen it in many bakeries. But fortunately, Bryan and I found a bakery that makes a good one. Black Forest cake is definitely one of my favorites. The reason I like this cake may have to do with my mom. My mom doesn’t like desserts and sweet stuffs very much. When it is her birthday, we would ask her what kind of cake she wants. And we always came down to the Black Forest cake. It was chocolatey, but not too sweet. The whipped cream was light. The cherries gave the cake a little kick and some sweetness. Hmmm…. Delicious! Sometimes, food ties with memory. A Black Forest cake reminds me of my mom and my childhood. That taste just can’t be substitute.

My birthday Black Forest cake
Where can you get this cake?
Elysee Bakery (1099 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024)
I like the cake too but not the cherries!
Haha…. They didn’t bother me much. Bryan didn’t like the cherries though. But he said he likes the cake a lot!